Welcome to the home of writings by Todd Vierling.


I haven’t updated this since 2016. My life has changed a lot since then especially after the loss of my husband, and I’m now mainly posting on Mastodon as of late 2022. I might revitalize this site later (and you can follow this blog from the fediverse at @tv@like.duh.org).

This site is part open diary, part blog, part collection of rants, and part autobiography. I’m wordy; when I write, I enjoy it — a lot. (I tend to intimidate with 6+ paragraph e-mails.)

Posts are not frequent, but there is also no set theme here. I’ve dabbled in many things, but have never really found something that consistently evokes passion, besides writing about everything else. You might find articles on technology, medicine, satire, retrocomputing, food, motorcycling, history, science, sexuality, or politics, or a mix of all the above. This site is like a variety show with AD/HD.

There is no sexually explicit content here. However, I sometimes write about adult topics, and posts are not restricted by age. Put on your grown-up shoes when you walk inside, and maybe you’ll learn something new along the way.

So go ahead and continue to the blog. And you’re always free to contact me directly too.